Miles Mind has revived!!!!!
Hello fellas! I’m back 🙂
It has definitely been a long time since I come back and write a little here on my blog.
I’ve missed it! I hope you’ve been doing well! 🙂
If you care, lol you probably don’t but whatever listen up, I have been doing quite well I would say.
I am currently being happy. I am. And i am happy being happy.
Ahá! What? Who wouldn’t be happy of being happy?
I mean, sounds dumb. But if you think about it, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that unknown or weird.
I come back here and I could not say how happy I am again to be completely renovated, motivated, and exited come back and spill out a piece of my mind for you! hehe
First of all, Happy Easter! Hope you have a lovely time with your family and loved ones.
In ever country it is celebrated differently, but here in Poland it is a BIG thing – at least in most, and I would say almost all, Catholic households.
It also feels sooooo nice to start having a nicer weather now 🙂 trees start to bloom, flowers start to grow, animals start to sing more, people come out more, and maybe smile/talk some more (ESPECIALLY POLES).
Winter depression starts fading hehehe. – JOKING. depression is no joke, but you know what I mean.
Second of all, I have taken the time to allow my head to do different things, such as, continuing up with my business and learning in it, as well as evolving in a different aspect of my life which I didn’t put as much attention as I do now, which is the professional.
Or just home page to discover the different opportunities for your support in my recent bizzz :)! – For you too, from ‘your safe space on the internet’.
I’ve also been very concentrated in my university studies and just really going forward on that degree getting won and not just given. *Hope you know what I mean*
Third of all, I have been just allowing, as I mentioned, my creativity to sort of come back.
No going to lie, neither to brag – really its not for it -, but I’ve been waking up before 6am most of the days over the past two months, going to the gym, reading at least an article every week because of Critical Thinking :’) – If you’re from uni, you may understand what I mean lol.
Hahah but not really, I have been just living sort of the ‘that girl’ type of lifestyle most of the girls romanticize – even I do sometimes, no judge <3 – but combined with the #75Hard which was very popular during quarantine time in 2020 on TikTok.
If you know what I’m talking about, you know hahah.
If not, I’m here for you as well! ‘That Girl’ and #54Challenge were and are, two was of saying Im into eating health, working out, drinking water, letting myself be, taking care of myself properly we could say.
Anyway, doing all of the things, my future self will look back and thank me for doing this for me!
Midterms where just passed by and I couldn’t be more glad for them to be over hahaha.
i could just be stressed and very anxious back then because of them.
Now its better :’). #tough
That didn’t stop me though! Let me tell you!
Creating a routine or scheduling for things has been something that I’ve been paying more attention too, well at this post I do it sort of naturally, but it has helped me improve a lot my habits and consistency with doing things – I often get distrancted and time flies by so quickly recently!!!! For real!!!!! Amazing!.
- I could talk about as well in another post in more detail, let me know in the comments below ;).
Now, back to business 😉
Being happy of being happy.
Can you be happy of being unhappy? or unhappy of being happy?
I would say yes you can.
In a literal and metaphorical way, anything is possible, ahá
But have you ever finished a relationship (romantic or not) that was toxic? (for example).
You are not happy, because maybe you had some amount of love towards that person, but you are happy it’s over and even if you might not be your best moment.
You’re happy of being unhappy in a way.
Or, unhappy of being happy.
I talked about this on a post (this one), where I was not motivated to write because I was very sad when I wrote many of the posts, but when I started feeling happy again, I got less motivated to write.
This could have made me unhappy I’m happy.
Anytime you can start being sad again, loosing your spark a little, and being motivated again to do this.
Funny it’s sometimes like this right?
For some reason, sadness can motivate to art so many times, and just so freaking draining for others. Frida Kahlo as an example.
This for me becomes so interesting, for some reason.
Lol listen to this, while writing about this I thought if I was something real or just saying gibberish around. Read this up:
Seems to me like if I just did the same discovery a professior from Yale did more than 5 years ago.
Hi Laurie! Hope you find this one day hahah.
LOL just a 19 year old girl figuring things out.
I took a different approach to it after starting to feel good again.
It almost feels like a phrase from this movie I like a lot:
“I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be”
The Perks of Being a Wallflower,
What do I do now?
And overall, I know happiness can end. And this amazing feeling of wanting to eat the world you everyda, can leave at any moment.
Life is like that sometimes.
Of course I know all of these motivational phrases like, ‘you’re mindset defines your reality’, ‘things are like you want to interpret them’ – this one is true, but hard to believe when things happen -, ‘if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me’, ALL OF THEM, are true.
I know it because I practice them, and apply them to my real world.
At least for me they work. CORRECTION.
To what I extent?
There are so many things that are so beautiful, they are ugly, and ugly things, that contain a beauty inside.
Think about it and you’ll see! 😉
We are happy to remember, so as we are to forget.
We don’t live to remember everything, because we can’t.
It is not human.
I like a phrase Jorge Luis Borges says in Funes the Memorious:
“he was not very capable of thought. To think is to forget a difference, to generalize, to abstract. In the overly replete world of Funes there were nothing but details, almost contiguous details.”
It’s from a story from a boy who remembers everything and forgets nothing.
He can’t live at ease because everything is just a memory of every detail of everything he sees and has seen every. single. moment.
There are things we live to remember, and other which are better to live off forgetten (honestly).
Many things we have we wish we could not remember… but in a way, if you forgot that moment, you would probably also forget what it taught you and eventually come to understand on why and how it happened to YOU in THAT precise moment (divine timing).
There is a saying roaming around that we are here to be or find happiness.
Everyone has a different vision on what happiness is and how it looks like.
We have different happinesses – if that is even a thing, if not, I just made it up lol enjoy.
- This is my blog so bad for you… soryy but not sorry, you know?
My happiness may be someone else’s nightmare.
You never know.
Ina any case, I would like to close off here a little and just have a little reflection from me to you on how I find it ironical we humans, with the help of our very capable and unlimiting but hidden brain capacities and mysteries;
We can come to conclusions with ourselves.
Also, how can we feel two opposites so together, at the same time, so contradicting, but so harmonizing and logic for some reason.
Everything comes to one in this position, and something quite uncomfortable, may be the word to describe it, arises from the inside.
Happiness, ALWAYS shines through different Ws, it only depends on us to look at it as we want, through the lense we like (or have interest in.
Happy and unhappy.
Unhappy to be happy.
Unsurprised to be surprised.
Suprised of being unsurprised.
Sad of being sad.
‘Unsad’ (?) of being sad (?)
angry of not being angry
and viceverse.
You get the point by now.
I just find it very interesting.
We can unite very easily two opposites, and be uncomfortable or just normalize it. Whatever. Meh. Ok. It will pass me by later.
Good bye you all!
Reach up to me through the comments on anything you want to suggest – new topics (?) – comment (again) – complain – criticize – love – whatever you want.
It’s your place <3
- ONE LAST THING: special feat. in this post to two people from my uni.
- 1. An…ni, lol, blog fan – and 2. Ber…tta I did do the blog heheh 🙂
I love you.
Sending you love and light always.
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Very interesting ☺️ I like your content! ❤️ Keep doing this is amazing